beautiful room

5 tips to making changes

The first, and maybe the most important thing, is to believe that change is possible. Because it is, and if you don't believe it, well, it won't happen.

But chances are if you're reading this, is that you're in your late 30's to your 60's and you might feel like you've tried “all the things” 10 times over already and you're not sure anymore.  So here are some simple suggestions that I hope help.

  • Small steps (even if it is on the path to a big goal). Expecting, dreaming of enormous change in one hit or in a short time is setting yourself up for failure which usually ends up with giving up altogether (until next Monday/birthday/year) and feeling rubbish about yourself. Small steps.
  • The magic trick is that there is none. No code to crack, no secret password or handshake, no hack (ugh). One influencer does not have the answers to weight loss regardless of their genes and number of followers.
  • It's true, you are special. Maybe not how your mum meant it when you were a small child, but you're still special. What I mean is, we have lots common between us and we also have a whole bunch of random differences. Those differences mean that while the foundations of any approach to health usually applies for the majority of us, when we get to fine-tuning things in order to improve your specific symptoms and address your specific health goals, then you need a personalised approach, not a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Make stuff easier, not harder. You shouldn't need a PhD in biochemistry to plan you meals for the week. Some protein, loads of vegetables and some grains or legumes, EVOO. Done.
  • Habit-stack. If you want to try doing something different, see if you can attach to a habit you already have in place. For example, you might want to develop a regular practice of stretching, so you could stack that habit on your nightly habit of brushing your teeth. Soon it will become the norm - you brush your teeth, do some stretches, and go to bed.

Even if you're feeling like a lot of change is needed to shift how you're feeling now, grab a cuppa, rest a bit, and ask yourself:

“What little, simple thing would make me feel better today?”

 And do that. 



>> We work on building new habits and real self-care as the fundamentals in the Reclaim Menopause Program, learn more here